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Radio from JN39GG DDFM 57 on 1.8 Mhz to 440 Mhz NO FT8 FT4
My Station
HF Station
VHF UHF Station
Mobile Station
My Antennas
2016 50Mhz 2 x 7 elements
HF Antennas 1.8Mhz-30Mhz
2012 50Mhz 2 x 6 building
VHF UHF Antennas
K9AY and BC Filter
FL 2100z 160m Power
RTTY keyboard on IC-756
6 Meters Band
160 Meters Band
Half sloper 19.3m long
4 M band
Stacking on 10m and up by G3WOS
Why we stack ants
Maximise Stacking
Stack Compromise
Stackings of dis-similar ants
Steppir 3elts Mods for 6m
Propagation Map on HF
Old location JN38IW
Historic since 2005
About me
Contests & meetings
TM0HQ 2014 2015 2016
PA6M 6M IARU 2012
SK7MW May 2008
Praha EME 2002
Retour à
PA6M 6M IARU 2012
2012-06-16 22.21.46