January 2016

So my station is QRV exept 160/80/30m , some logistics problems and heavy QRM due to shitty plasma TV or light et..c perturb me in evenings…so poor RX …



K9AY again QRV

I have again put my K9AY antenna , 1st test was to hear RADIO CAROLINE on 1368 kHz this week end 30 oct -1nov special event.

Switching box with 4 directions still working fine, but the 300 Khz-30 Mhz preamp adjusted to 16 dB in the line give better results up to 7 Mhz.

Listening BRETAGNE 5 on 1593Khz, good copy but only when darkness come and in the night , a Romanian radio is also on frequency and begin to be readable after 14h00z , but k9ay do his job.

Best results with switch box @ 30cms gnd.


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